The safety of our guests and staff remains our number one priority. Please note a few important things as we welcome you back:

• Guests will be seated on a first come, first served basis. One guest may call or come in, upon arrival, and we will call or text when their table is becoming available. Seatings will be set at 90 minutes per table.

• Currently, our occupancy is limited outside dining only. To promote social distancing, tables are situated so that there is six feet between guests and will seat a maximum of 10.

• Our staff will be wearing masks and gloves onsite, both on the floor and in the kitchen, at all times. Staff is monitored prior to beginning of each shift for any COVID-19 symptoms.

• In accordance with government guidelines, we must ask that you wear masks on site. If this is a concern, we hope you will join us at a later date.

• We use a peroxide based sanitizer that is immediately effective at eliminating viruses. We use it frequently on high touch surfaces and at tables between seatings.

• Sanitizer will be available for your use if you would like a bottle on your table.

• We have an extensive and frequently updated cleaning protocol. Our staff is well informed and understands the importance of frequent proper hand washing and personal hygiene.

• Please refer to our site for further information about all of the changes we have implemented.